Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Maria Gillis Assignment #10: Anthers and Stigmas and Styles Oh My!

Fertilization occurs in a plant. The males make pollen through their anthers, the male part. This is a key part of fertilization. At the same time the female part is producing ovules. The pollen grains are created and released and stick to a stigma, which is at the end of the female part.  After this, it forms into pollen tubes and splits into two sperm cells. Soon they reach the ovary and the eggs are stored their.

The following pictures show the different parts of the broccoli plant:

This is the flower before we began to dissect it

This image is showing the male reproductive part, the stamen.
The stem of this part is called the filament, the top of the stem is the anther. This part of the plant releases pollen (sperm cells).

This is the female part, the carpel. The mushroom-like top of the carpel is called the stigma. This is the location of pollination where the tubes begin to form.

This last main component of the flower is the ovaries. This
part is held in the bottom of the carpel. The bubble- like things are ovules. The ovary is where the female gametophytes are produced. 

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